
General Medical Check-up Discount Promotion

  • 469,000 KRW~
    (360.0 USD~)

  • 1 Day

  • 04/01/2024 ~ 09/20/2024


  • 0

  • 0

* Actual price, availability and other details may differ from the information stated on this page. We strongly advise users to contact and verify with the responsible service provider before booking.
* VISITKOREA does not guarantee the quality of products or services introduced on this page and is not responsible for any direct or indirect loss resulting from use of said products or services.

Service: “General Medical Check-up Discount Promotion”
Company: Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital Seoul
Duration: One day
Description: Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital Seoul is the headquarters of the Soon Chun Hyang Medical Network. It was established in 1974 and operates hospitals in various regions, including Seoul, Bucheon, Cheonan, and Gumi. It currently operates 32 medical departments and 47 specialized centers and clinics, and has approximately 730 beds. Over 200 professors and 1,800 faculty members provide the best medical services. Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital Seoul is holding a general medical check-up discount promotion! This is an opportunity to enjoy a precise check-up with the latest medical equipment and professional medical staff at a special price.

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