

  • 3,000,000 KRW~
    (3,000.0 USD~)

  • 2 Days

  • 05/16/2024 ~ 12/31/2024

  • English

  • 0

  • 0

* Actual price, availability and other details may differ from the information stated on this page. We strongly advise users to contact and verify with the responsible service provider before booking.
* VISITKOREA does not guarantee the quality of products or services introduced on this page and is not responsible for any direct or indirect loss resulting from use of said products or services.

Company: Medi Win
Duration: 2 days
Description: We perform cosmetic surgery on the face and whole body with the latest technology and expertise. A variety of skin care services are offered to improve skin health and enhance beauty. We provide anti-aging treatments and other services aimed to minimize the effects of skin aging. Specialized ophthalmologists give patients thorough eye examination services. They perform cataract surgery using state-of-the-art equipment. We provide safe and effective laser LASIK surgery and vision correction services. We also offer a variety of dental services to maintain your oral health and enhance the beauty of your teeth. We provide hair transplants using state-of-the-art technology to solve hair loss problems. We also check your overall health condition through personalized medical check-up services. In addition, we provide general medical check-ups and necessary surgeries to manage your health. We strive to provide you with safe and effective treatment with the latest equipment and professional medical staff.

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