33,000 KRW~
1 Day
04/01/2024 ~ 09/20/2024
English, 日本語, 中文(简体), 中文(繁體)
* Actual price, availability and other details may differ from the information stated on this page. We strongly advise users to contact and verify with the responsible service provider before booking.
* VISITKOREA does not guarantee the quality of products or services introduced on this page and is not responsible for any direct or indirect loss resulting from use of said products or services.
Service: “Yeoshin Ticket x Jiwoo Clinic Package”
Company: Fastlane
Duration: One day
Description: Wrinkle Botox (KRW 33,000 per area) is a procedure that temporarily slows muscle movement, to reduce wrinkles. Korean filler (KRW 165,000 for 1 cc) is a procedure that fills the volume of the skin and makes it elastic. Inmode FX (KRW 165,000 for the whole face) is a laser procedure that effectively shapes cheekbones and reduces skin imperfections. Pico toning (KRW 220,000) is a laser treatment aimed to reduce skin blemishes, acne scars, and skin tone. Aqua Peel (KRW 100,000) is a skin care procedure that simultaneously moisturizes and nourishes the skin.