• Euljiro Nogari Alley (을지로 노가리골목)

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    Going out of Exit 3 of Euljiro 3-ga Station on Seoul Metro Line 3 and turning to the alley, you will find many pubs selling Nogari/Dried Young Pollack (Korean people grill and dip it in red pepper paste to eat as a side dish with alcohol) and restaurants specializing in Golbaengi/Sea Snails (It is a kind of conch shell, and Korea people made it a seasoned dish and enjoy it with Somyeon/Thin Noodles or use it as a bar sack). People gather in small groups at every outdoor table and sit in every alley to enjoy beer and snacks on weekday evenings and weekends, so it isn't easy to find a seat.

    Originally, this area was lined with various company buildings and shops selling tools. However, in 1980, the pub 'Eulji OB Bear' opened, and as similar pubs opened nearby, it naturally came to be called 'Euljiro Nogari Alley.' As the affordable prices of snacks and beer attracted nearby office workers and college students, it has become increasingly popular, leading to its current status.

    Here, along with a cold draft beer, let's try the K-snacks only available in Korea, such as Nogari/Dried Young Pollack and Golbaengi/Sea Snails. In addition, snacks such as chicken and fried dishes are also available, so try various snacks.

    What's nearby Here are some recommended destinations nearby! Attractions within 50 kilometers are arranged in the order of closest distance.
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