800,000 KRW~
(800.0 USD~)
1 Day
05/01/2024 ~ 12/31/2024
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* VISITKOREA does not guarantee the quality of products or services introduced on this page and is not responsible for any direct or indirect loss resulting from use of said products or services.
Service: “Customized Medical Check-up: From Basic to Specialized Precise Check-up.”
Company: Hosumi Co., Ltd.
Duration: One day
Description: We bring you the best choice for your health, a customized medical check-up service. Through consultation with patients, a basic and precise medical check-up is offered, after which you can experience a Korean tour program. You can learn about tour services through individual consultation. The basic general medical check-up includes a physical examination, blood test, and electrocardiogram test, etc. while the specialized precise check-up consists of 15 customized programs. We offer a variety of options, such as an age-customized check-up, dementia examination, check-ups for couples planning to get married or youths, cerebrovascular examination, and cancer examination to provide the optimal check-up tailored to your needs and health. Elective examination programs such as endoscopy, ultrasonography, and stress test are also available through consultation. After the check-up, enjoy a tour experience of beautiful Korean landmarks and culture.