• What are the requirements for the VAT refund for cosmetic surgery?

        • 12/20/2023


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        • Visa and Tax Refund

  • In Korea, a system for refunding value-added tax (VAT) on cosmetic surgery procedures for foreign tourists has been in effect since April 1, 2016. However, not all hospitals in Korea offer VAT refunds, and those that do must meet the following criteria:


    Firstly, the hospitals must be registered as medical institutions for international patients. 
    Secondly, it must have a franchise contract with the National Tax Service-designated refund operator and be equipped with the necessary VAT Refund devices in the hospitals. 
    Foreign tourists should check whether the hospital they want to visit is available for a VAT refund before the treatment starts, and confirm this by checking for displayed signs or notices of each hospital. It is essential to check the hospital staff to ensure whether this service is possible.


    For additional inquiries on how to refund VAT, please contact the Medical Korea Center (+82-1577-7129).

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