• Introduction

    KTO Bangkok Office was first opened in September 1982 on a two resident workers based system, and was reorganized in 2003 as a three resident workers based system in line with the growing status of the Thai market.
    The number of Thai tourists to South Korea after the opening of KTO Bangkok Office exceeded 100,000 for the first time in 2004. Korea showed a steep rise in the number of tourists, surpassing the double-digit average annual growth rate, and opened the era with 300,000 tourists in 2011 just one year after exceeding 200,000 in 2010. Since then, the number has reached 400,000 in 2016, 500,000 in 2018. In 2019, the country attracted 571,000 Thai tourists, the largest number ever.

  • Major Duties

    The country of residence is Thailand, and jurisdiction is Myanmar and Laos. Its main businesses are hosting Korea tourism campaigns targeting consumers, working on development and promotion of Korea tourism products tailored to the Thai market, organizing new media digital marketing for individual tourists, and attracting high value-added/incentive group tourists.

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