• #Please write the answer

        • 09/14/2023


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  • #Please write the answer

    #Please write the answer

    Oct. 18 - Oct. 22 / Oct. 25, 2023
    Hanseong Art Hall 2nd Theater / Minsong Art Hall 1st Theater
    Age Limit
    Ages 12 and up
    Running Time
    80 mins


    "How can we lead a fulfilling life?"
    Will we be able to figure it out when we reach adulthood? Is there a definitive answer?
    This work is not a play that centers around the misbehavior of teenagers. The victims of digital sexual crimes, who are still young and immature, will find solace and understanding in each other as they navigate through this shared experience. As we observe these teenagers attempting to resolve issues without involving adults, a question is posed to the audience.
    "What advice or guidance would you offer to these teenagers as an adult?"

    #Please write the answer #Please write the answer

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    All information is valid as of september, 2023. For further information, contact each theater company.