• Hongwonhang Port (홍원항)

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    Hongwonhang Port, located near Chunjangdae Beach, is a popular place for enjoying sea fishing and delectable meals of fresh raw fish. In addition to its culinary appeal, the port offers the picturesque scene of long stretches of shoreline guarded by two beacons in red and white. Hongwonhang Port has many fishing boats thanks to its small tidal range, resulting in a lively atmosphere and cheap sashimi prices.

    Hongwonhang Port, along with Gwangyanghang Port in Jeollanam-do, is the prime spot for gizzard shad. Each autumn the port holds the Gizzard Shad Festival, a festival that has plenty of events & delectable fish dishes. While at the festival, visitors are also encouraged to check out the Seocheon Museum of Marine & Natural History and Dongbaekjeong. The stuffed specimens at the museum are worth the visit and the view of Maryang Port from atop the museum is unbelievable.

    What's nearby Here are some recommended destinations nearby! Attractions within 50 kilometers are arranged in the order of closest distance.
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